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Become a Member

  • Monthly Support

    Every month
    You just want to support on a month to month basis. Thank you!
  • Support & Suggest

    Every year
    Suggest categories the future award show
  • Voting Membership

    Nominate & Vote

    Every year
    Suggest, nominate & vote on the future award show.
  • Award Show Ticket

    Every year
    Suggest categories, nominate, vote and attend the future award show
  • 1337 Sponsorship

    Every year
    Suggest, Nominate, Vote & YOU are listed as sponsor of the future event

If you're tired of the nonsense and are ready to take action: now is the time. As we get closer to the award show, the price to Nominate & Vote will go up. This is designed to avoid bad faith voting & funny business. With that said, whatever price you join at will be the price you stay at (ie - if you join at $30, the price doesn't go up for you)

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